Insights from the team at NLP

Like the extension to the Stamp Duty Land Tax holiday to 30 June 2021 in England and Northern Ireland; the similar announcement in Wales, and absence… more

Budget big freeze

Personal taxes, capital taxes, pensions. No dramatic announcements. But Chancellors can create considerable change through low-key tactics, and the… more
Thousands of families across the UK are missing out on the chance to save money on the costs of childcare, HMRC has revealed. more
The end of the Brexit transition period ushered in a range of new trade rules and regulations applicable to businesses that trade with the EU. Firms… more
Budget 2021 announced a successor loan scheme to support UK business recovery. Earlier coronavirus (COVID-19) loans, like the Bounce Back loan, closed… more
Ongoing change to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (‘furlough’ scheme) and Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) creates the potential for… more
‘Bold and unprecedented’. That was the Chancellor’s description of the new 130% super-deduction for expenditure on new qualifying plant and machinery… more

Using a loss

Welcome news for previously profitable businesses struggling with COVID-19 losses. more

Uber and you

The Uber case on worker status, recently decided in the Supreme Court, has important practical lessons for businesses. more